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Survey Results: Living & Working in a Pandemic

In mid-July 2020, Tysons Partnership issued a public survey asking questions about living and working during a pandemic to understand how people in and around Tysons and the D.C. metro area feel about the very different times we are living through now. Respondents were able to answer questions from their individual point of view and from that as an employer.

We received over 700 responses to the survey, with roughly half from people living or working in and around Tysons. The basic respondent demographics appear on page 6 of this report. The survey questions addressed issues such as school reopening, working from home, returning to office-based work, shopping, dining, and transit. A single “do you have anything else you’d like to add?” open-ended question gave people the opportunity to comment broadly, giving us a qualitative sense of what is at the top of people’s minds.

With the minute-by-minute of news coverage on these topics, our findings are less about blockbuster surprises than a confirmation of the many opportunities for public and private entities to think innovatively, collaborate, and consider a wide range of human emotions as they continue evolving their responses to a stubborn public health crisis.

Our intention is to set a baseline of understanding that could be tracked through another survey in roughly six months, so we hope that readers of this report will respond again in the future, helping us and our many Tysons stakeholders to listen, learn, and take positive actions for our community.

Sol Glasner, President
CEO Tysons Partnership

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Drew Sunderland, 703.559.2552

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